Foothills Art Center at Astor House is temporarily closed due to construction on Arapahoe Street. We will reopen on Thursday, March 20, with regular hours. Thank you for your understanding!

WHEEL-THROWING – All levels – Monday Nights

Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 Fifteenth Street, Golden, CO, United States

WHEEL-THROWING ALL LEVELS This class is designed for the beginner, as well as intermediate and advanced students. The basics of throwing on the wheel will be covered as well as use of equipment, safety and management of materials. Instructors will work with individual students at the student’s level, Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced. Students are also

WHEEL-THROWING – All levels – Tuesday Nights

Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 Fifteenth Street, Golden, CO, United States

WHEEL-THROWING ALL LEVELS This class is designed for the beginner, as well as intermediate and advanced students. The basics of throwing on the wheel will be covered as well as use of equipment, safety and management of materials. Instructors will work with individual students at the student’s level, Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced. Students are also

WHEEL-THROWING – All levels – Wednesday Nights

Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 Fifteenth Street, Golden, CO, United States

WHEEL-THROWING ALL LEVELS This class is designed for the beginner, as well as intermediate and advanced students. The basics of throwing on the wheel will be covered as well as use of equipment, safety and management of materials. Instructors will work with individual students at the student’s level, Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced. Students are also

WHEEL-THROWING – All levels – Thursday Nights

Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 Fifteenth Street, Golden, CO, United States

WHEEL-THROWING ALL LEVELS This class is designed for the beginner, as well as intermediate and advanced students. The basics of throwing on the wheel will be covered as well as use of equipment, safety and management of materials. Instructors will work with individual students at the student’s level, Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced. Students are also

Event Series Ceramics Open Studio – Saturdays

Ceramics Open Studio – Saturdays

Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 Fifteenth Street, Golden, CO, United States

CERAMICS OPEN STUDIO This is designed to be a work and practice time for students concurrently enrolled in a Creative Campus ceramics/wheel-throwing class. Studio will be proctored and open Saturdays 9am to 5pm. Students may use the open studio any time within these hours, but will be limited to 2 hour sessions if there are

Continuing Exploration of the Elements of Art – June

Meeting on Tuesday nights, "Continuing Exploration of the Elements of Art" builds on previous explorations in artistic self-expression. Each night we begin with a review of the previous week's artwork and works in progress, followed by an exploration of a specific element of art that helps make for compelling work. The night includes a painting