Foothills Art Center at Astor House is temporarily closed due to construction on Arapahoe Street. We will reopen on Thursday, March 20, with regular hours. Thank you for your understanding!

Teen Vision Board Workshop

Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 Fifteenth Street, Golden, CO, United States

Friday February 14th 10am - 12pmAges 11-17TEEN VISION BOARD WORKSHOPIt’s Valentine’s Day and what better way to show self-love then to create a vision board for YOU! Vision boards are

Event Series February Collage Workshops

February Collage Workshops

FEBRUARY COLLAGE WORKSHOPS! - Memory and Nostalgia Two classes for one fee, Saturdays 1 & 15 FebruaryExplore themes of Memory and Nostalgia using a variety of papers and images to create a unique and personal artwork. Collage artist, Erika Vassallo, will lead participants through choice of materials, composition, use of different adhesives and application techniques.Please

Artist Demo – Members’ Show 2025

Join artist, Michael Gatlin, in the Hands On Gallery as he demonstrates his watercolor process. Then go take a look at his artwork in the Members' Show!

Golden StArt with Holly Nordeck

Wednesday, February 26th from 3-4pm Golden StArt is a joint one-hour coffee meetup program designed to bring artists in the area together with the Golden community to meet and talk

It’s Hip to be Square: Collage Workshops

MARCH COLLAGE WORKSHOPS! It's Hip to be SquareTwo classes for one fee, Saturdays 1 & 15 May Explore geometric abstract art using precut shapes. The participant will choose 9 squares

March – Let’s Get Glazey!

Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 15th Street, Golden, CO, United States

Let's Get Glazey! March Session Sundays: March 2, 9, 16, 23 1pm-3:30pm Classes: $185 members, $210 Friends/nonmembers Are you interested in learning how to make your own pottery glazes and

Figure Drawing – March

First Wednesday of select months, from 3-5pm. Please check our event calendar for specific dates. Facilitated, independent study of figure drawing with a professional nude fine arts model via Art of