*SOLD OUT* Spring 2 Multigenerational Ceramics Class
Multigenerational Ceramics Class SPRING SESSION 2 CLASS DATE REVISION: There is no class on March 28. This session will be extended one more week into May 9. Fridays 4pm-6pm: March 14, 21, April 4, 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9 Spring Semester Ages 7+ Join us for a family ceramics night
Spring 2 Ceramics Open Studio – Saturdays
SATURDAY CERAMICS OPEN STUDIO SPRING SESSION 2 Saturdays: March 15, 22, 29, April 5, 12, 19, 26, May 3 9:00am-5:00pm $150 for students currently enrolled in a Creative Campus pottery class. This is designed to be a work and practice time for students concurrently enrolled in a Creative Campus ceramics/wheel-throwing class. Studio will be proctored
Fantastical Creatures: Spring Break
Spring Break Class Age 7 - 12March 17th - 20thMonday - Wednesday 9:00am-4:30pmThursday 9:00am-3:00pmFANTASTICAL CREATURESJoin Ms. Ahlers for 4 days during Spring Break to create artworks inspired by fantasy creatures!
Golden StArt with Sebnem Düzgün
Tuesday, March 18th from 3-4pm Golden StArt is a joint one-hour coffee meetup program designed to bring artists in the area together with the Golden community to meet and talk
After School Art Club: Spring Sessions
After School Art Club: Spring Sessions Students Age 6 - 12 Tuesdays Session 1: 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4 and 3/11 Thursdays in Session 1: 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27.
Home School Art Club: Spring Sessions
Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 Fifteenth Street, Golden, CO, United StatesHome School Art Club: Spring Sessions 12:30-2:00pm Students Age 6 - 12 Days in Session 1: 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27. 3/6, and 3/13 Days in Session 2: 3/27, 4/3, 4/10,
Gallery Tour – Red Rocks Community College: Visual Audio and Media Arts
A Gallery Guide will lead you in a 25-minute tour, exploring exhibition themes and artworks through focused observation and engaging conversation.These tours are offered at 3pm on select Thursdays and
Expand and Experiment with Encaustic
Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 15th Street, Golden, CO, United StatesExpand and Experiment with Encaustic *Two Day Class* March 29th and 30th, 2025 Saturday 10:00am- 4:00pm, Sunday 12:00pm-4:00pm This is an intermediate class, you will need some encaustic experience. This
*SOLD OUT* Figure Drawing – April
First Wednesday of select months, from 3-5pm. Please check our event calendar for specific dates. Facilitated, independent study of figure drawing with a professional nude fine arts model via Art of
April – Too Hot To Handle!
Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 15th Street, Golden, CO, United StatesToo Hot To Handle! April Workshop Classes: $60 for members, $85 for friends/nonmembers. Thursday: April 3, 5:30pm-8:30pm Do you love making mugs but wish you could practice your handle making skills without potentially messing up your hard work? This class has you covered! Too Hot To Handle will start you off with a pre-made clay
2025 Pastel Workshop with Jane Christie
Enjoy a fun, stress free environment in which to relax and create. All levels are welcome. Experience is not necessary. If you’ve taken a class from her in the past
This Spring is Surreal: Collage Workshops
Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 Fifteenth Street, Golden, CO, United StatesAPRIL COLLAGE WORKSHOPS! This Spring is Surreal Two classes for one fee, Saturdays 5 & 19 April Participants will have fun playing with surreal collage. Using vintage and current