Foothills Art Center at Astor House is temporarily closed due to construction on Arapahoe Street. We will reopen on Thursday, March 20, with regular hours. Thank you for your understanding!

Artistic Tales of Natures Trails

Summer Class Age 4 - 6 Week 6 July 14th - 17th Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm  *Link to Full Day Extension -> Foothills Art Center |

En Plein Air – July

Join professional artist, J Michael Gatlin, for an En Plein Air morning! Participants will be guided through choosing a subject, simplifying what we see, and building an interesting composition using

Golden StArt with Miriam Dubinsky

Wednesday, August 13 from 8-9am. Golden StArt is a joint one-hour meetup program designed to bring artists in the area together with the Golden community to meet and talk about art. Join us for a coffee chat with local artist, Miriam Dubinsky. About Miriam: Miriam Dubinsky is a painter and printmaker working out of Denver,

En Plein Air – August

Join professional artist, J Michael Gatlin, for an En Plein Air morning! Participants will be guided through choosing a subject, simplifying what we see, and building an interesting composition using

Inktober Pen & Ink Sketchbook Workshop

Explore the techniques of pen & ink illustration and sketchbook practices with professional artist, Adam Hays.Artists will work out their imaginations with art prompts and stretch their creativity. The focus

En Plein Air – September

Join professional artist, J Michael Gatlin, for an En Plein Air morning! Participants will be guided through choosing a subject, simplifying what we see, and building an interesting composition using

Modern Kintsugi – September

Thursday September 18 from 5:30 - 8 pm In person at Foothills Art Center Creative CampusKintsugi is a 400 year old Japanese art form of the mending of ceramics —

Golden StArt with Rick Souders

Wednesday, September 24th from 3-4pm Golden StArt is a joint one-hour coffee meetup program designed to bring artists in the area together with the Golden community to meet and talk