WHEEL-THROWING – Intermediate and Advanced – Thursday Mornings

Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 15th Street, Golden

This class is designed for experienced wheel-throwing students. Instruction will be in throwing more advanced forms, such as, cylinders, lids, plates and classic forms. Students are also encouraged to explore their own creativity using clay as a medium. The class provides one 25 pound of clay, use of all studio equipment and tools and firing

Featured Featured Event Series Portrait Painting from References

Portrait Painting from References

Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 Fifteenth Street, Golden

Many times, we use photographs or artwork we admire as the basis for a portrait painting out of necessity. On Day One of this workshop, we'll review the basics of portrait painting in general, such as proportion, composition, and getting the most out of the reference, then paint the foundation on our canvas or panel.

WHEEL-THROWING – All levels – Thursday Nights

Foothills Art Center - Creative Campus 809 Fifteenth Street, Golden

This class is designed to be an introduction to throwing pottery on the wheel. It is for beginners or experienced students who want to refresh their skills. The basics of throwing on the wheel will be covered as well as use of equipment, safety and management of materials. The class provides one 25 pound bag